Invariant Theory

Authors: Wolfram Decker, Lakshmi Ramesh and Johannes Schmitt

This page contains the code samples from the corresponding chapter in the OSCAR book. You can access the full chapter here.

Invariants of symmetric groups

The invariants of the symmetric groups $S_4$ and $S_3$ serve as basic examples, see Examples 2 and 7.

julia> RS4 = invariant_ring(GF(2), symmetric_group(4))
Invariant ring
  of Sym(4)

julia> L = fundamental_invariants(RS4)
4-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
 x[1]*x[2] + x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4] + x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4]
 x[1]*x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4] + x[1]*x[3]*x[4] + x[2]*x[3]*x[4]

julia> is_algebraically_independent(L)

julia> RS3 = invariant_ring(QQ, symmetric_group(3));

julia> R = polynomial_ring(RS3)
Multivariate polynomial ring in 3 variables over QQ graded by
  x[1] -> [1]
  x[2] -> [1]
  x[3] -> [1]

julia> x = gens(R);

julia> reynolds_operator(RS3, x[1]^2)
1//3*x[1]^2 + 1//3*x[2]^2 + 1//3*x[3]^2

The Heisenberg group of level 3

The Heisenberg group of level 3 in its Schrödinger representation is studied in Examples 18, 21, and 23.

julia> K, a = cyclotomic_field(3, "a");

julia> S = matrix(K, [0 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 0])
[0   0   1]
[1   0   0]
[0   1   0]

julia> T = matrix(K, [1 0 0; 0 a 0; 0 0 -a-1])
[1   0        0]
[0   a        0]
[0   0   -a - 1]

julia> H3 = matrix_group(S, T)
Matrix group of degree 3
  over cyclotomic field of order 3

julia> order(H3)

julia> exponent(H3)

julia> is_abelian(H3)

julia> R, (x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(K, ["x", "y", "z"]);

julia> RH3 = invariant_ring(R, H3);

julia> MSH3 = molien_series(RH3)
(-t^6 + t^3 - 1)//(t^9 - 3*t^6 + 3*t^3 - 1)

julia> expand(MSH3, 10)
1 + 2*t^3 + 4*t^6 + 7*t^9 + O(t^11)

julia> P = basis(RH3, 3)
2-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:
 x^3 + y^3 + z^3

julia> MP = minimal_primes(ideal(R, P));

julia> length(MP)

julia> [[ kernel(reduce(hcat, [ K[coeff(p, x); coeff(p, y); coeff(p, z)] for p in gens(Q) ])) for Q in MP ]]
1-element Vector{Vector{AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MatSpaceElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:
 [[a+1 1 0], [-a 1 0], [-1 1 0], [a+1 0 1], [-a 0 1], [-1 0 1], [0 -a 1], [0 a+1 1], [0 -1 1]]

julia> S, s = QQ["t"]; T = fraction_field(S); t = T(s);

julia> RR, (X, Y, Z) = graded_polynomial_ring(T, [ "X", "Y", "Z"]);

julia> F = X^3+Y^3+Z^3;

julia> G = t*F+hessian(F)
t*X^3 + 216*X*Y*Z + t*Y^3 + t*Z^3

julia> L = syzygy_generators([hessian(G), F, hessian(F)]);

julia> collect(coefficients(L[1]))
3-element Vector{AbstractAlgebra.Generic.FracFieldElem{QQPolyRingElem}}:
 t^3 + 93312

julia> C, iC = center(H3);

julia> gens(C)[1]
[-a - 1        0        0]
[     0   -a - 1        0]
[     0        0   -a - 1]

julia> Q, pQ = quo(H3, C)
(Pc group of order 9, Hom: H3 -> Q)

julia> describe(Q)
"C3 x C3"

julia> SSG = filter(cls -> order(representative(cls)) == 3 && length(cls) == 3, subgroup_classes(H3));

julia> length(SSG)

julia> L1 = [basis(invariant_ring(R, H), 1)[1] for H in collect(SSG[1])]
3-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:
 x + y + z
 x + (-a - 1)*y + a*z
 x + a*y + (-a - 1)*z

julia> Triangle1 = L1[1]*L1[2]*L1[3]
x^3 - 3*x*y*z + y^3 + z^3

Non-trivial module syzygies

This example of an invariant ring which is not Cohen–Macaulay is presented in Examples 19 and 26.

julia> G = permutation_group(4, [ cperm([1, 2, 3, 4]) ]);

julia> RG = invariant_ring(GF(2), G);

julia> primary_invariants(RG)
4-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
 x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4]
 x[1]*x[2] + x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4]

julia> secondary_invariants(RG)
5-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1]^2*x[2] + x[2]^2*x[3] + x[3]^2*x[4] + x[1]*x[4]^2
 x[1]*x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4] + x[1]*x[3]*x[4] + x[2]*x[3]*x[4]
 x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3] + x[2]^2*x[3]*x[4] + x[1]*x[3]^2*x[4] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4]^2
 x[1]^3*x[2]*x[3] + x[2]^3*x[3]*x[4] + x[1]*x[3]^3*x[4] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4]^3

julia> M, MtoR, StoR = module_syzygies(RG);

julia> M
Subquotient of submodule with 5 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
  3: e[3]
  4: e[4]
  5: e[5]
by submodule with 1 generator
  1: t2*e[2] + (t2 + t3)*e[3] + t1*e[4]

The Klein four-group

The invariants of the Klein four-group in a regular representation are computed in Examples 22, 24, and 25 both in characteristic 0 and characteristic 2.

julia> A = matrix(QQ, [0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1 0])
[0   1   0   0]
[1   0   0   0]
[0   0   0   1]
[0   0   1   0]

julia> B = matrix(QQ, [0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1; 1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0])
[0   0   1   0]
[0   0   0   1]
[1   0   0   0]
[0   1   0   0]

julia> K4 = matrix_group(A, B)
Matrix group of degree 4
  over rational field

julia> small_group_identification(K4)
(4, 2)

julia> describe(K4)
"C2 x C2"

julia> RK4 = invariant_ring(K4);

julia> MSK4 = molien_series(RK4)
(t^2 - t + 1)//(t^6 - 2*t^5 - t^4 + 4*t^3 - t^2 - 2*t + 1)

julia> expand(MSK4, 4)
1 + t + 4*t^2 + 5*t^3 + 11*t^4 + O(t^5)

julia> primary_invariants(RK4)
4-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
 x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + x[3]^2 + x[4]^2
 x[1]*x[2] + x[3]*x[4]
 x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4]

julia> secondary_invariants(RK4)
2-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1]^3 + x[2]^3 + x[3]^3 + x[4]^3

julia> fundamental_invariants(RK4)
5-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
 x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + x[3]^2 + x[4]^2
 x[1]*x[2] + x[3]*x[4]
 x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4]
 x[1]^3 + x[2]^3 + x[3]^3 + x[4]^3

julia> A = matrix(GF(2), [0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1 0]);

julia> B = matrix(GF(2), [0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1; 1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0]);

julia> RK42 = invariant_ring(matrix_group(A, B));

julia> primary_invariants(RK42)
4-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
 x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4]
 x[1]*x[2] + x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4]

julia> secondary_invariants(RK42)
4-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4]
 x[2]^2*x[3] + x[2]*x[3]^2 + x[1]^2*x[4] + x[1]*x[4]^2
 x[1]*x[2]^2*x[3]^2 + x[1]*x[2]*x[3]^3 + x[1]^3*x[3]*x[4] + x[2]^3*x[3]*x[4] + x[2]^2*x[3]^2*x[4] + x[1]^2*x[2]*x[4]^2 + x[1]^2*x[3]*x[4]^2 + x[1]*x[2]*x[4]^3

julia> fundamental_invariants(RK42)
6-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
 x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4]
 x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4]
 x[1]*x[2] + x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4]
 x[2]^2*x[3] + x[2]*x[3]^2 + x[1]^2*x[4] + x[1]*x[4]^2

A complex reflection group

The fundamental invariants of a complex reflection group which is connected to an application in coding theory are discussed in Example 27.

julia> Qt, t = QQ["t"];

julia> K, (a, b) = number_field([t^2 - 2, t^2 + 1], ["a", "b"]);

julia> M1 = 1/a*matrix(K, [1 1; 1 -1])
[1//2*a    1//2*a]
[1//2*a   -1//2*a]

julia> M2 = matrix(K, [1 0; 0 b])
[1   0]
[0   b]

julia> G = matrix_group(M1, M2);

julia> order(G)

julia> RG = invariant_ring(G);

julia> f = fundamental_invariants(RG)
2-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{AbsNonSimpleNumFieldElem, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{AbsNonSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:
 x[1]^8 + 14*x[1]^4*x[2]^4 + x[2]^8
 x[1]^20*x[2]^4 - 4*x[1]^16*x[2]^8 + 6*x[1]^12*x[2]^12 - 4*x[1]^8*x[2]^16 + x[1]^4*x[2]^20

julia> A, AtoR = affine_algebra(RG)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (0), Hom: A -> graded multivariate polynomial ring)

julia> modulus(A)
Ideal generated by

A pseudo-reflection group in positive characteristic

An example of a pseudo-reflection group whose invariant ring is not a polynomial ring is presented in Example 28.

julia> K = GF(3);

julia> M1 = matrix(K, [1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1])
[1   0   1   0]
[0   1   0   0]
[0   0   1   0]
[0   0   0   1]

julia> M2 = matrix(K, [1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1])
[1   0   0   0]
[0   1   0   1]
[0   0   1   0]
[0   0   0   1]

julia> M3 = matrix(K, [1 0 1 1; 0 1 1 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1])
[1   0   1   1]
[0   1   1   1]
[0   0   1   0]
[0   0   0   1]

julia> G = matrix_group(M1, M2, M3);

julia> all(is_pseudo_reflection, gens(G))

julia> RG = invariant_ring(G);

julia> fundamental_invariants(RG)
5-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{FqFieldElem, FqMPolyRingElem}}:
 x[1]^3*x[3] + 2*x[1]*x[3]^3 + x[2]^3*x[4] + 2*x[2]*x[4]^3
 x[1]^9 + 2*x[1]^3*x[3]^6 + 2*x[1]^3*x[3]^4*x[4]^2 + x[1]*x[3]^6*x[4]^2 + 2*x[1]^3*x[3]^2*x[4]^4 + x[1]*x[3]^4*x[4]^4 + 2*x[1]^3*x[4]^6 + x[1]*x[3]^2*x[4]^6
 x[2]^9 + 2*x[2]^3*x[3]^6 + x[1]^3*x[3]^5*x[4] + 2*x[1]*x[3]^7*x[4] + x[2]*x[3]^6*x[4]^2 + x[1]^3*x[3]^3*x[4]^3 + 2*x[1]*x[3]^5*x[4]^3 + 2*x[2]^3*x[4]^6

julia> A, AtoR = affine_algebra(RG)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (y1^6*y2^2*y3 + y1^3*y4 + y2^3*y5 + 2*y3^3), Hom: A -> graded multivariate polynomial ring)

julia> modulus(A)
Ideal generated by
  y1^6*y2^2*y3 + y1^3*y4 + y2^3*y5 + 2*y3^3

Invariants of linearly reductive groups

Computations with invariants of linearly reductive groups can be found in Examples 34, 35, and 36.

julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 2, QQ)
Reductive group SL2
  over QQ

julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 2)
Representation of SL2
  on symmetric forms of degree 2

julia> RG = invariant_ring(r)
Invariant Ring of
graded multivariate polynomial ring in 3 variables over QQ
  under group action of SL2

julia> fundamental_invariants(RG)
1-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 -X[1]*X[3] + X[2]^2

julia> G = linearly_reductive_group(:SL, 3, QQ);

julia> r = representation_on_forms(G, 3);

julia> S, x = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, "x" => 1:10);

julia> RG = invariant_ring(S, r);

julia> 75*reynolds_operator(RG, x[5]^4)
x[1]*x[4]*x[8]*x[10] - x[1]*x[4]*x[9]^2 - x[1]*x[5]*x[7]*x[10] + x[1]*x[5]*x[8]*x[9] + x[1]*x[6]*x[7]*x[9] - x[1]*x[6]*x[8]^2 - x[2]^2*x[8]*x[10] + x[2]^2*x[9]^2 + x[2]*x[3]*x[7]*x[10] - x[2]*x[3]*x[8]*x[9] + x[2]*x[4]*x[5]*x[10] - x[2]*x[4]*x[6]*x[9] - 2*x[2]*x[5]^2*x[9] + 3*x[2]*x[5]*x[6]*x[8] - x[2]*x[6]^2*x[7] - x[3]^2*x[7]*x[9] + x[3]^2*x[8]^2 - x[3]*x[4]^2*x[10] + 3*x[3]*x[4]*x[5]*x[9] - x[3]*x[4]*x[6]*x[8] - 2*x[3]*x[5]^2*x[8] + x[3]*x[5]*x[6]*x[7] + x[4]^2*x[6]^2 - 2*x[4]*x[5]^2*x[6] + x[5]^4

julia> T = torus_group(QQ,2)
Torus of rank 2
  over QQ

julia> r = representation_from_weights(T, [1 0; 0 1; -1 -1; -1 1]);

julia> RT = invariant_ring(r);

julia> fundamental_invariants(RT)
2-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:

The Cox ring of a linear quotient

This computation of a Cox ring of a linear quotient is worked out in Example 40.

julia> K, z_3 = cyclotomic_field(3)
(Cyclotomic field of order 3, z_3)

julia> g1 = matrix(K, 3, 3, [ -1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1 ]);

julia> g2 = matrix(K, 3, 3, [ 0 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 0 ]);

julia> G = matrix_group(g1, g2)
Matrix group of degree 3
  over cyclotomic field of order 3

julia> chi = character_table(G)[6];

julia> RG = invariant_ring(G)
Invariant ring
  of matrix group of degree 3 over K

julia> semi_invariants(RG, chi)
2-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:
 x[1]^2 + z_3*x[2]^2 + (-z_3 - 1)*x[3]^2
 x[1]^2*x[2]^2 + (-z_3 - 1)*x[1]^2*x[3]^2 + z_3*x[2]^2*x[3]^2

julia> H, HtoG = subgroup_of_pseudo_reflections(G)
(Matrix group of degree 3 over K, Hom: H -> G)

julia> RH = invariant_ring(H)
Invariant ring
  of matrix group of degree 3 over K

julia> A, AtoR = affine_algebra(RH)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (0), Hom: A -> graded multivariate polynomial ring)

julia> map(AtoR, gens(A))
3-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:

julia> VG = linear_quotient(G)
Linear quotient by matrix group of degree 3 over K

julia> B, BtoR = cox_ring(VG)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (), Hom: B -> graded multivariate polynomial ring)

julia> map(BtoR, gens(B))
3-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem, AbstractAlgebra.Generic.MPoly{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}}:
 z_3*x[1]^2 + (-z_3 - 1)*x[2]^2 + x[3]^2
 x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + x[3]^2
 (-z_3 - 1)*x[1]^2 + z_3*x[2]^2 + x[3]^2

julia> f1 = BtoR(B[1]); f2 = BtoR(B[2]); f3 = BtoR(B[3]);

julia> f1^G(g2) == z_3*f1

julia> f2^G(g2) == f2

julia> f3^G(g2) == z_3^(-1)*f3

julia> grading_group(B)

julia> degree(B[1])
Abelian group element [2]

julia> degree(B[2])
Abelian group element [0]

julia> degree(B[3])
Abelian group element [1]

julia> is_zero(modulus(B))
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